In addition to making candles, we also answer the following questions:
Here we are going to teach you very briefly a series of information that is necessary to make a candle on a real scale.
This information is mostly used for making normal and decorative candles. Making candles is very easy and very old, and everyone can make candles with very simple tools and very simple methods.
Next, we will tell you how candles burn, what materials you need to make candles, and how you can make candles yourself at home.
Toldeh company is a wholesale candle distribution center. To buy all kinds of candles in bulk, you can go to the store page bulk purchase of candles see.
A candle is a very simple product with a thread (so-called wick) placed in the middle. A fuel known as wax is placed around the wick.
When the wick is lit, the heat of the wick melts the wax and turns it into a liquid. The heat of the flame causes the wax to turn into vapor and provides the necessary fuel for the flame to burn. For a candle, if the wax and the wick are chosen correctly, both will burn slowly and at the same speed so that the flame burns evenly and the flame does not switch on and off.
So, to make a candle, you must pay special attention to the fact that the wax and wick must be selected accordingly.
Where to buy candle wicks? Candle thread, also known as candle wick thread, can be easily found in grocery stores. Of course, you can visit the Tehran market to buy bulk candle thread. Of course, you can use the internet to make candle thread either wholesale or retail and buy it online.
In the following, we will fully explain what a wick is and how to choose:
The wick is an important part of the candle, and to choose it, one should have enough precision and knowledge.
New wicks are made from linen braids (braids are threads woven together). Flat braid is enough for most candles, however, round and square braids are also made.
Some wicks also include a paper or metal backing that helps make the candle container.
In countries that produce candles, you can buy wicks from candle wholesalers, but if it is very necessary, you can also make the wicks yourself.
The general rule of choosing a wick is that the thicker the candle, the thicker the wick should be.
The wick must have a suitable diameter. Too large a diameter will cause a large flame, and a large flame will melt the wax too quickly, causing the candle to drip and burn out quickly. Also, if the wick is too thin, it will cause the wick to not be able to generate the necessary heat to evaporate the amount of wax, so the wick will drown in its own wax and turn off.
Materials such as beeswax that have a high viscosity need a thicker wick. In general, the higher the viscosity of the wax, the thicker the wick is needed.
Choosing the right wick usually requires a bit of trial and error. If you have chosen the wick correctly, the wick is slightly bent and burns outside the top of the candle. In the picture below, the candle on the left has the wrong wick, but the candle on the right is the right one.
Candle wicks can be made of different materials:
These wicks are made of linen thread and are used in candles according to the number of threads the thread is made of. For example, linen threads that have 3, because they have low flame power and therefore low heat, have the least ability to melt wax, and the candle in which this type of wick is going to be used must not be too thick and have a maximum diameter of 3 cm. Or you can use 10 cm diameter candles for linen threads that have up to 50 strands.
These wicks are made of wood and are very suitable for wax candles.
In the old days, candles were made from animal fat. The fat of animals such as cows, sheep and whales was used to produce candles. Today, cleaner and more efficient waxes are being used, and very little animal fat is used for candles. Most of today’s candles are made of paraffin.
Paraffin is a combination of different fats such as stearin and is not a single substance.
Paraffin is the most important material used in candle making. This material is sold in the form of molds or pallets in many countries. Paraffin is white in appearance and becomes transparent when it melts.
Paraffin is odorless and tasteless and solid at normal temperature. Paraffins are sold with different melting temperatures ranging from 46 degrees to 68 degrees. This wax normally melts at a temperature of about 58 degrees, which is suitable for making candles.
Of course, a very important point: if you use the candle for a hot climate, be aware that it must have a higher melting temperature or that you use stearin.
Stearin is a combination of a large number of vegetable and animal fats and is one of the most important tools in candle making. Its role in making paraffin stronger for stability at high temperature. Normally, paraffin is soft and has a low melting point, and the melting temperature of stearin dissolved in it increases. Also, stearin helps the candle to come out of the mold easily and makes it burn better.
Stearin helps prevent paraffin from bending and is especially useful at high temperatures. Stearin is usually available in powder or small pieces in the market and you can easily get it.
Stearin is usually added in a ratio of 1 to 10 in the candle, but it can be used more for better quality.
Candles can even be made of 100% stearin:)
Fat can be taken from many plants and used as candle wax. With this type of wax, you can make a candle independently, and it can also be thickened with other waxes and burned with them. Vegetable waxes such as soy are known as a renewable and healthy source that replaces paraffin.
These types of candles burn much cleaner than paraffin candles.
The following items are only for more information and you don’t need much for candle making:
When the purpose of buying a candle is more decorative than creating light, you can use colors and perfumes. Candle colors come in solid pieces or pastes that are added to paraffin while it is melting. A wide range of colors are available from suppliers who provide you with information about the amount of color used in paraffin.
The amount of color used is very dependent on the type of color used.
It is recommended to pour a very small test amount of color in a paraffin and then cool it to see what color it turns into. Some colors change color when they cool down and have some contrast with the original color. Some colors tend to fade over time.
Especially in candles that have a bigger flame.
Scented candles are widely spread and popular products nowadays. Some countries have developed perfumes that are special for candles. These perfumes are liquids that are added to the candle during manufacture, and as a result, these perfumes are released when the candle burns.
When heating the wax, it is very important to be aware of a series of safety tips. First of all, it is important that the wax does not get too hot. At a high temperature (generally more than 150 degrees), the wax starts to smoke and releases an unpleasant and dangerous smell.
At a higher temperature, the wax reaches the ignition temperature so that its vapor starts to catch fire. An open flame also ignites the melted wax. Once paraffin ignites, it is very difficult to extinguish and can lead to a serious fire.
If the fire has not started, you should turn off the heat source as soon as possible. And if possible, burning wax should be suffocated. Leave it in a closed place where it will not reach.
Do not under any circumstances try to extinguish the wax with water because it will cause it to flare up more.
The possibility of fire will be very less if the paraffin container is not heated directly. To do that, you can fill a large container with water and place a smaller container with wax on it. In this case, the wax heats up with the heat of the surrounding water.
Electricity is an ideal source for heating. Because it is easily controlled. A home fryer or an element placed under a dish is a good way to heat. You can also use a steamer.
Containers made of aluminum or steel are very suitable because they do not react with wax and do not rust. Although steel or iron can also be used (iron equipment is not suitable for beeswax), copper and brass are not recommended because they oxidize.
It is possible that you can make a candle without any measuring tool, but a thermometer or a thermostat is definitely necessary to make a candle optimally. A thermometer is suitable for measuring the temperature of steam above boiling water. Just pay attention to the fact that the thermometer does not get too hot so that its accuracy will decrease in case of bad use.
If it is possible for you to use a thermostat to control the temperature of the wax, that would be great.
Using a thermostat attached to an electric heater that allows the wax to heat up to a certain temperature and hold it without the need to repeatedly measure the temperature by hand is very important
Each of the above methods has a detailed explanation, so to learn about these methods and how to implement them, please refer to the article How candles are made?