In this article, we intend to introduce the packaging of the birthday theme pack.
A product that was introduced to the market by taking ideas from famous cartoon characters such as Minions, Kitty, Frozen animation, SpongeBob character and…. At first, this product was designed for children, but now this product goes beyond cartoon characters and is not limited to a certain age. There are birthday theme packs for all age ranges from elderly, young, teenagers, children and even minors of any gender. In addition to personal, birthday theme packs are available for various occasions such as holidays, birthdays, weddings, etc.
For example, the mustache theme is designed for men, the lip theme is for women, and the guerilla theme is designed for young people. In addition to designing for different ages, designs were made for holidays such as Yalda night theme, Nowruz theme, Muharram theme, graduation theme, assignment celebration theme and…
Usually themes are sold in two forms pack and open (individual items) which we will discuss in detail below.
Many birthday theme manufacturers sell birthday themes in packs due to the problems of variety of birthday theme items. In the theme pack, the manufacturer puts a certain number of items of that theme in each pack. Different manufacturers usually put different numbers of items inside the pack. This means that there are no special rules for packing different birthday themes.
Most of the items included in the theme pack are the popular and best-selling items of that birthday theme. These packs are usually offered as a pack of 20 people or 10 people.
In the table below, you can see the items of a theme for 20 people.
For more information about each birthday theme item and its uses, you can go to the article Birthday Theme Items.< /p>
Unlike pack themes, open themes are sold separately. You can buy any of the items you like and you have no obligation to buy some theme items such as theme pack.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are themes that are available in the market for people with different genders and age ranges. Here, we intend to briefly describe the themes related to adults or children, girls or boys.
You can see other themes by clicking on the link below them
This theme is usually bought for spouses and has the following famous designs
To see more themes on the link Theme adult click
To see all teenage themes with prices, go to the link Teen Theme Refer
These themes are usually very popular and used in dental celebrations or for young children
Dear reader, if you do not know much about the birthday theme and want to know more about the theme, please refer to the article All About Birthday Themes Refer